jueves, 2 de abril de 2015

Alice in Wonderland

Os dejo el guion de 'Alice...' por si queréis ir echándole un vistazo. Descansad y... a cargar las pilas! Un abrazo chicos

Alice in Wonderland
Characters : Narrator, Alice (7), Lorina, White Rabbit (2), Caterpillar, Fish FootmanDuchess, Cook, Cheshire Cat, March Hare, Mad Hatter, Dormouse, Two, Seven, Five. King, Queen, Knave, Ace.

Scene 1: Under the tree in her garden.

(Curtain closed, Alice and her sister Lorina are sitting on the steps in front of the stage. Lorina is reading a book)

Narrator: It was a hot day in the forest, and Alice, a Little and happy girl...

Alice1: Lorina, I am bored, there is nothing to do.
Lorina: It is such a lovely day. Why don't you sit with me under the tree and read your book?
Alice1: My book is silly. There isn't any pictures.
Lorina: (Yawns and stretches) I think I will go for a snooze. (She falls asleep
and Alice tries to read her book).
(Suddenly from the back of the theatre comes a White Rabbit, he is in a
panic and looKing at his watch)
White Rabbit 1: I'm late, I'm late, I'm late for a very important date!
(He runs passed Alice, through the curtains and on to the stage out of sight.)
Alice1: Boys and girls, did I just see a talKing White Rabbit? 
Alice1: Do you think I should follow him?
Alice1: Mr White Rabbit, please wait for me. (She runs after the White Rabbit and shouts.)  Oh my goodness. I'm falling! I'm falling!

Scene 2: The rabbit hole/the curious hallway
 (She falls and then stops suddenly and she is in a curious hall with a door with a small locked door.)

Alice2: I see a beautiful garden . The door is too small. How could I get in?
(She sees a bottle  and a piece of cake)
Alice2: ‘Eat me?’ Ok, I’m hungry. (Alice grow bigger) Goodbye, feet! Oh, my poor little feet! Oh dear!  I’m too big, (She looks at the bottle and drinks)‘Drink me’? Ok, I´m thirsty.  (Alice becomes smaller) It’s perfect now!
 White Rabbit 1: (entering on the run, carrying a fan and some gloves) Oh! The Duke, the Duke!
Alice2: If you please, sir ­
White Rabbit 1: Ahhhh! (He drops the fan and gloves and hightails it offstage.)
Alice2: (calling to White Rabbit) Wait!! (Picks up the gloves and fan) Mr. Rabbit, Mr. Rabbit, wait, please! Listen to me! (they disappear)

Scene 3 ­ The Magical Garden

Caterpillar: Who are YOU?
Alice3: I ­ I don’t know, sir.
Caterpillar: What do you mean? Explain yourself!
Alice3: I can't explain MYSELF because I'm not myself, you see.
Caterpillar: I don't see. Who are you?
Alice3:(angry) I think you should tell me who YOU are, first.
Caterpillar: Why? (Alice stamps the ground and walks away) Come back!
I have something important to say! (Alice returns
Caterpillar: What size do you want to be?
Alice3: Well, I would like to be a LITTLE larger, sir.
Caterpillar: One side will make you grow taller, and the other side will make you grow shorter.
Alice3: One side of WHAT? The other side of WHAT?
Caterpillar: Of the mushroom!
(The Caterpillar gives Alice the mushroom and exits.)
Alice3: And now which is which? (She takes a bite) Whoa!!!!! (She gets small and eats a Little from both hands until she is of normal size)

Scene 4: Outside the Duke's palace

Fish Footman:(holding an invitation) Good moooorniiiiiing! This is for the Duke. An invitation from the Queen to play croquet.
 Alice4: Hello, thank you. How can I get in?
 Fish Footman: The door is open. See you! (the door opens and Alice goes into the house)

Scene 5: Inside the Duke's Place.

(Cook is throwing plates and cups around.)
Alice4: Where is the Duke?
Cook: He is over there.
Duke: Cook, what are you doing?
Cook: I ‘m  making soup for lunch.
Duke; Who are you? And who let you in?
Alice4: I'm Alice. The door was opened.  I have an invitation from the Queen
Duke: (Looks at invitation)She wants me to go to the croquet game.
Alice4: Are you going?
Duke: I don't know. She usually sends me to the prison tower when I win.
Alice4: She is a sore loser, then?
Duke: Yes, of course. I must get ready. Cook come and help me. (Both leave the stage.)

(Alice sees a Cheshire Cat)

Alice4: Why are you grinning?
Cheshire Cat: Cheshire Cats always smile.
Alice4: Can you tell me where I go from here , please?
Cheshire Cat: Well, that depends where you want to go.
Alice4: I don't mind.
Cheshire Cat: Then, it doesn't matter where you go?
Alice4: Well, who lives in this direction? (points to left)
Cheshire Cat: In that direction lives the Hatter and in that direction lives
the March Hare. Both of them are mad. We are all mad here. You must be mad, too.
Well, I'll see you in the croquet game.
Alice4:As this is May the March Hare won't be  as mad as it was in March...

Scene 6: The Tea party

Hare, Hatter, Dormouse: Twinkle, twinkle little bat, How I wonder what you are at. (sings twice.) 
(Alice tries to join them but they start yelling at her.)
Dormouse: No room, No room.
Alice5: There is plenty of room.
March Hare: Have some wine?
Alice5: I don't see any wine.
March Hare: That is because there isn't any. (All laugh).
Alice5: Well it wasn't very nice of you to offer.
March Hare: Well it wasn't very nice of you to sit down without being invited.
Alice5: It i is laid for more than three.
Hatter: Your hair wants cutting.
Alice5: Keep your personal remarks to yourself.
Alice5: What a funny watch! It tells the day of the month, and doesn't tell what o'clock it is!
Hatter: Why should it? Does YOUR watch tell you what year it is?
Alice5: Of course not!
Hatter: Which is just the case with MINE. It’s always six o’clock.
Alice5: Is that why all the tea things are out?
Hatter: We never get a chance to wash up.
Mad Hatter: I need a new cup, lets all move down a place.
Alice5: This is the stupidest tea party I was ever at in my life.
(Hatter, Hare, Dormouse: Shrug their shoulders and run off singing twinkle
twinkle little bat.)

Scene 7: Painting roses red

(suddenly a rose tree appears.3 playing cards of hearts are painting it.

Two of hearts: Be careful Five. You are splashing paint all over me.
Five: I can't help it, seven pushed me.
Seven: No I didn't, why do I always get the blame?
Alice6: What is going on here?
Seven: Oh my! You scared us. I nearly lost a year of my life. I nearly became six again.
Two: Well you see, we planted a white rose bush and the Queen wanted a
red one. So we are trying to change it.

Five: Red Alert! Red Alert! The Queen is coming.
(the Queen inspects the rose bush. She notices Alice.)
Queen: Who is this?
Cards: We have no idea.
Queen: Well off with her head.
King: But she is only a child.
Queen: Well, do you play croquet?
Alice6: Yes.
Queen: Well come on then.
(King gives Alice a Flamingo.)
King: How else will we play?

Scene 7:The croquet game

(Alice hits the ball and misses the White Rabbit.)
White Rabbit 2: It is a fine day for a game of croquet.
Alice7: Where is the Duke?
White Rabbit2:  He has been sent to the high tower. He is to be executed.
Alice 7: Why?
White Rabbit 2: because he boxed the Queen's ears.
(Alice starts to laugh)
White Rabbit 2: Hush, she will hear you.
Queen: Get to your places, off with their heads. Off with their heads.
Cheshire Cat: How are you getting on?
Alice7: Not very well, they are not playing fairly.
Cheshire Cat: How do you like the Queen?
Alice7 She is not very nice. Is she?

There is a fanfare.

Scene 8: The trial

White Rabbit 2 Quick, the trial is about to start.
(The King and Queen sit on their throne. The knave kneels before them).
Knave: I am not guilty. I didn't do it.
King: Ace read the charges.
Ace: The Queen of Hearts
She made some tarts,
All on a summer's day;
The Knave of Hearts
He stole those tarts.
King: Call the first witness.
Hatter: I haven't finished my tea.
King: Next witness. Give your evidence.
Cook: The tarts are made of treacle.
King: Call the next witness.
Ace: The next witness is Alice.
King: What do you know of this business?
Alice 7:Nothing.
King: Well all the evidence points to knave being guilty.
Alice7: No it doesn't. It proves nothing of the sort.
Queen: Hold your tongue.
Alice 7: No I won't. You are all nothing but a pack of cards.
Queen: Off with her head.
Alice 7: Noooo!
(Everyone rushes for Alice and the lights go off. Curtains close and Alice
comes outside and sits in the steps. She is sleeping)
Lorina: Alice, Wake up, wake up! It's time to go home for tea!. We are having treacle tart tonight! Mmmm...
Alice 7:(confused) It must have been a dream after all.